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Suzy McRae

On behalf of one of my clients I would like to thank you kindly for the ongoing wonders with how your technique enables me to assist my clients in making physical and psychological changes.

I would like to share with you my client's story.

My client had been suffering from a very painful case of planter fasciitis (my dyslexic brain can't spell) on and off for the past 20 years. Over the past 6 months he had been going to see another massage therapist because he felt she was more qualified given she massages the Australian swim team.

This therapist told him he should see her friend who is a podiatrist to treat the heel pain. He faithfully went along to be told that bad shoes caused his condition and he would be in for 6-9 months of pain before he felt any improvement.

I ran into him this morning, learned of his condition and what he had been doing and offered him a free session to see me. It was difficult for me to check his posture or balance since he couldn't put his heel down, so I sat him on a kitchen stool, released his psoas, iliacus calf/feet.... happy to say he walked out without any pain, he also said he felt straighter than he had in 6 months. Goes to show you don't need a university degree to remove a person's pain.

Thank you Ross, I still love you're work and look forward to module 5/6.