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Daša Hodalic Peterlin

Daša Hodalic Peterlin

Hodalic Peterlin
Daša Hodalic Peterlin
Representative & coordinator for Slovenia, Emmett Technique Instructor & Practitioner -Teaching Modules 1 to 6 & EP1-2, Lymphatics, Horse&Dog Practitioner
+386 41 516 718
Dog, Horse, Human
After high school graduation, I have successfully completed my studies at the Faculty of Sport in 2006 in Ljubljana. It was already during the studies that I became interested in massage therapy and have explored this route after my graduation, I have completed various training in manual therapies including Bowen Technique and Reflexology (in 2007).

I have completed the courses of EFT therapy (in 2008) and Trigger Point therapy (in 2010). I have been using the Algonix device since 2009 and have successfully combined this kind of therapy with other manual techniques. I have also completed basic and advanced courses in Kinesio taping (in 2011). As an active member of the Slovenian Bowen Therapy Association, I have been introduced to the Emmett Technique and have become a Certified Emmett Therapist (in 2015),

I have also taken up the coordination of Emmett courses in Slovenia. In 2018 I have completed the final module of upgrade (EP6) in Australia and have become an Advanced Practitioner. That same year, my colleague Andreja Velepec and I have become Instructors and have been running the courses of Emmett Technique in the Slovene language ever since.

Po kon?ani gimnaziji sem leta 2006 doštudirala sem na Fakulteti za šport v Ljubljani. Že takrat me je pot nesla k masažam, po diplomi sem našla ?as tudi za dodatna izobraževanja manualnih obravnav, nau?ila sem se izvajati Bownovo terapijo ter refleksno masažo stopal (2007). Obiskovala sem tudi te?aj EFT tehnike (2008) ter trigger point terapije(2010). Od leta 2009 uporabljam tudi aparat Algonix, ki ga uspešno kombiniram z drugimi, manualnimi tehnikami. Kon?ala sem za?etni in nadaljevalni te?aj kineziološkega tapinga (2011).
Kot aktivna ?lanica Društva Bownovih terapevtov Slovenije sem se seznanila tudi z Emmett tehniko, za katero sem pridobila naziv Certificirani Emmett terapevt (2015) in prevzela koordinacijo Emmett te?ajev v Sloveniji. Leta 2018 sem v Avstraliji opravila zadnjo stopnjo nadgradnje (EP6) in s tem pridobila naziv 'Advanced Practitioner'. Istega leta sva s kolegico Andrejo Velepec postali inštruktorici, tako da sedaj te?aji potekajo v slovenskem jeziku.